Weblog overcomplexity

I've been surfing some of the weblogs I subscribe to, poking through their blogrolls for gems I may have missed. I'm amazed at how some weblog designs are so overly complex that it can take me a minute or two of scanning a page just to find the "subscribe" link. One site I looked at had a grand total of 469 hyperlinks on the main page alone. Many were blogroll items, bookmark links etc. But they overwhelm the reader with so much superfluous data that it's difficult to find the simple single link you're looking for...

And no, I'm not going to single out any particular weblog. There were many (many) that I came across today, and usually they were complex as a result of the default templates provided by whatever weblog software was in play.

I know I'm often as guilty of this as the next guy, but I've made a conscious effort to trim extra crap from my weblog. Sure, there's still some extra fluff in there, but it should still be pretty darned easy to find something on it...

I just did a hyperlink count on the main page of this weblog - 144 hyperlinks. Much more than I thought, but they should at least be organized well enough to not get in the way...

There endeth the rant.

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