
I am the manager of the Learning Technologies group in the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, at the University of Calgary. I am fortunate to work with an absolutely amazing team, and am constantly inspired and impressed by the work they do. Which means that I have the best job on campus.


I am a PhD candidate in the amazing interdisciplinary Computational Media Design program at the University of Calgary, where I am exploring the connections between the built environment (spaces and technologies), performance (what people do, the actions they perform), and their effects on teaching and learning.

From the Official Staff Bio™:

D’Arcy leads the learning technologies group in finding and developing technology platforms that enhance student learning, and in collaborating with instructors and faculty leadership to adopt and support new learning technologies.

He has spent the bulk of his career at the University of Calgary. He started as a web and multimedia developer, building the first online courses in the Faculty of Nursing, before moving into the role of education technology consultant at the Teaching and Learning Centre, and then IT partner. He holds bachelor’s degrees in zoology and education, and completed his master’s in educational technology in 2013.

D’Arcy is a strong supporter of open education, which entails using technology to eliminate barriers and broaden access to learning. He is interested in how technologies can be opened up to people to enable them to freely publish, collaborate and share knowledge.

My work supports the meaningful integration of learning technologies to support student learning, through development of new tools, incorporation of existing tools, and through collaboration and support of instructors.

I’m interested in how technologies can be used to empower and connect individuals and to form rich collaboration and foster active communities of learning. My MSc thesis explored how students interacted with each other in a traditional institutional learning management system in comparison to individually-owned weblogs (TL;DR: students basically did what teacher told them to do, regardless of what software they used. Go figure.)