where to see eLearning innovation in western canada?

I don’t have funding for this (yet), but my boss suggested a road trip to see what the state of the art is at other institutions. I proposed a school to visit, and was gently nudged toward restricting things to just western canada for some strange reason…


where would you visit in western canada, and why. I need to make the case to visit some institutions to see really cool/kickass/innovative stuff.

6 thoughts on “where to see eLearning innovation in western canada?”

  1. I think you should go back and make the case for University of Mary Washington. We’re no Hawaii but we are the epicenter of edtech!

    1. Man. I’d love to be able to pull that off. And a visit to Baruch and CUNY. and PSU. etc… some really awesome stuff going on in your neck of the woods.

  2. I’ve been reviewing the companies producing elearning in western Canada over the last couple of months. From what I’ve seen, Leara eLearning and CD Industrial Group are both doing good work. I’m not sure if you could visit their offices, but I figured I’d drop my 2 cents in!

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