Packing for Merlot

I'm going to the Merlot conference next week, and am planning on being pretty unplugged this weekend. This means I may not be posting much until the middle of August. That may change - they apparently have wireless access in the Hyatt for Merlot, so I may be blogging the presentations live...

Turns out, I was a little stupid when I booked my flight to the conference.

Every conference I've ever heard of, and every conference I've been to (WWDC, CADE, ...) has actual sessions on the first day, so I assumed it was a Good Idea to get there the day before (i.e., on Monday) so I'd be able to catch it all. Turns out that no, in fact, the Merlot conference has pay-only semi-private sessions on the first day (Tuesday).

So, I'll have a day to kill in Vancouver. I'll spend some time with Brian's folks, hopefully getting them up and running with their own instance of CAREO.

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