Arrived in Vancouver

I've just arrived in Vancouver for Merlot2003. Pretty painless flight (just over an hour - and the eTicket express checkin freakin' ROCKS!)

I'm sitting in the Hyatt lobby right now, checking in with the rest of the world (going offline for a whole weekend left me with the shakes. ick). I'll try checking in again after 4pm, when the rooms with internet access will be available.

Now, I'm going to Go Tourist, complete with digital camera. Want to head down to Canada Place and check out the cruise ship dock (sigh), and then maybe head over to Stanley Park.

It's too nice out now. Away I go...

Oh, and Stephen Downes has put together a handy little page aggreagating all blog posts relating to the Merlot2003 conference. It apparently looks for the word "Merlot" in the text somewhere... Merlot. MERLOT. MeRLot. check check...

UPDATE: Went for a nice walk along the waterfront, from Canada Place to Stanley Park. Some semi-lame pics here.

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