Merlot session notes: Learning Communities

Merlot session notes from the 2:30 session on Learning Communities.

  • Communities in Merlot
    • go to "communities" tab --> Teaching_and_technology
    • still a little rough, so it's ok that stuff is hard to find.
    • adding resources to support faculty
    • Patricia McGee
      • LOs require standards, collaboration and cooperation
      • NLII - National Learning Infrastructure Initiative
        • LOVCOP - Learning Objects Virtual Community of Practice
        • Learning Objects Survey - developers, repositories, users
          • what are people actually doing, needing?
        • "What we want to know"
          • Fall focus session on Learning Objects (at Columbus Ohio)
    • Discussion
      • Should we really be focussing on Learning Objects?
        • If everything is working right, nobody will even know they're dealing with LOs
          • students will just get the right bits of stuff in place
          • teachers will just find the right resources
          • content producers will just integrate it into their workflow
      • Need to have concrete, real-world examples of LOs being actually USED in practice
        • by students, instructors, etc...
      • how to transfer comfort level with software like gaming into LO-related tech?
  • Building Learning Communities through Learning Object Development
    • CLOE @ Queen's University
    • def: a learning community consists of individuals who are working towards the primary goal of building knowledge.
    • presentation will be available on the Merlot website
    • community is created when
      • participate in common practices
      • depend on one another
      • make decisions together
      • identify themselves as part of something larger than the sum of their individual relationships
      • ...
    • CLOE = 17 universities across Ontario
      • members develop and reuse learning objects
      • all los are developed in a collaborative approach
      • similar to an inter-library loan system
    • Teams include Instructional Developer, Tech support, and 3 senior undergrad students
    • Queens has a Learning Objects course in Computer Science! What a great idea!
    • Examined existing LOs - pillaged the Merlot database
    • co-developed 2 learning objects (doing 4 more this summer)
    • have found the learning community to be a sustainable model for LO development
    • Documentation is part of the community
    • has learning communities databsae (text and graphic search)

See Also

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