Merlot Notes: Tools for transforming curriculum

Notes from Merlot session: Tools for transforming curriculum

  • Laurie Harrison - adaptive technology resource centre, U of T
    • Supporting learner-centric transformation of content
    • needs to personalize:
      • accessibility (disabilities)
        • lack of access to
          • printed material
          • speech or audio
          • visual material
          • note taking
          • class dicsussions
        • Use of adaptive technologies
          • screen readers, magnification, keyboards, voice recognition, text-to-speech
        • Different technologies/clients
          • pda
          • wireless
          • google...
      • background knowledge
      • learning preferences
      • pace and path
    • TILE Project
      • The Inclusive Learning Exchange (TILE)
      • goals
        • reusing and repurposing learning objects
        • customization by educators
        • use of IMS Learner Information Profile to accomodate individual learner preferences
          • preferences in profile used to set content and system display
    • Strategies
      • Independence of content and structure from presentation to accomodate learner preferences
        • flexible display
        • flexible content aggregation
        • set profile to determine preferences for transformations
        • content separate from preferences
        • examples
          • change css types of things
            • colours (background and text) to make it more readable for visually impaired users
            • navigation and content affected by change to stylesheet selection
            • Q: How to enforce use of CSS in content?
          • Aggregation details
            • flat (simple) vs. details
              • allows "beginner" and "expert" views of a content aggregation
      • Independence of function from control
        • flexible input
          • onscreen keyboards instead of regular keyboard
        • flexible navigation
          • flatten hierarchy (one level at a time) or deep hierarchy (whole tree)
      • Increased granularity of learning objects to allow presentation of alternative formats and modalities
        • captioning
        • ASL
        • described video
        • range of modalities supported by same content (text tracks in video...)
        • graphic and textual presentations of same content (image vs text intensive presentations)
        • video with optional closed captioning and sign language translation, or audio description
      • Session-specific preferences
        • learner outcome goals
        • topic exclusion
        • placeholders/bookmarks
        • review vs. self test ...
      • Implementation of accessibility guidelines and interoperability specifications
        • access system friendly interfaces
        • every learner with a disability is potentially a different external "system" that needs to inter-operate
          • use IMS specs to interoperate with people as well as software systems
    • Guildelines and specs
      • W3C web accessibility - WAI/GL
      • W3C Accessible Authoring Tools - WAI/AU
      • IMS
        • implementing IMS specs as they are being developed to provide feedback on accessibility needs
        • Accessibilityy extensions to the LIP (ACCLIB) - encodes learner preferences
        • Metadata - develop extensions to allow identification of resources that meet the criteria indicated in the learner's prefs.
          • "is screenreader friendly"
          • "has closed captioning"
          • ...
        • Content Packaging - packaging content into modules. Identification of alternate resources
          • package text-oriented vs. image-oriented depending on learner's prefs
          • will in in next CP spec
        • ACCLIP
          • accessForAll element
              • display
                • screenreader
                • screenEnhance
                • ...
              • control
                • keyboardenhanced
                • onscreenkeyboard
                • ...
              • content
                • alternativesToVisual
                • alternativesToText
                • ...
          • Interoperability with IMS
      • Dynamic retrieval and transformation of stuff to hide complexity from users
    • Demo
      • Preferences
        • I would like...
          • text on screen easier to see
          • preferred language
          • navigation options (depth vs breadth first)
          • alternatives to audio
            • captions (incl language)
            • sign language...
          • ...
        • Define bits of style sheet (font, size, colours)
      • Whole point of LIP is that the profile is interoperable - can be shared with other systems
  • James McClellan - automated creation of resources for HTML based Concept Maps
    • Introductory engineering course that links resources together via concept maps
    • hundreds of LOs
    • students need to know where the LOs are, and how should they use them
    • students need to know that a LO belongs to a particular part of a course
      • adding context to help them know what/when to study
      • develop LESSONS that use the LOs as part of the lab
    • "If you build it, they will come" DOESN'T WORK! They need guidance on what/when to use LOs
    • Hierarchy of organizing information (read from bottom to top)
      • Courses
        • books
          • units
            • chapters
              • lessons
                • labs
                  • learning objects
    • How does this relate to concept maps?
      • task of processing incoming info is made easier if info is presented in visual formats
      • concept maps present relationships in graphical form and allow us to understand complex info.
      • show items (LOs) with relationships indicated
      • concept maps used to structure information in academic courses (other uses, but this is the context here)
      • software at
        • java app
        • allows the user to add resources
          • web pages, videos, pdf docs, etc...
          • they add the items, and describe the relationships
        • IHMC CMAP Software
        • looking at automation to link resources
          • linking database of all 12 chapters of the textbook into the map
          • concept map --> template HTML for concept map --> HTML concept map with resources
        • create a basic concept map template
          • perl scripts used to convert the template html file to a concept map html file with more resources and resource types
        • HTML map runs only in IE/Win (DOH!) he's a mozilla freak, so that will likely change
        • Working on dynamic creation of concept maps using PHP and database, rather than pre-canned, massaged maps from the perl pre-processing technique
    • GUI Movie Making
      • 3 movies are create for each GUI
        • tutorial - how to use
        • theory - explains theory and its applications
        • lab - examplifies problem solving techniques using GUIs
      • Use Camtasia Studio and SnagIt software --> 10 MB AVI movie files (WTF?)
        • can export to better formats
      • Camtasia does screen capture with narration
      • Talks a LOT about Camtasia - not sure how that relates so tightly with concept mapping...
      • Uses its own codec - looks like windows only?
      • Used as media-rich instruction manual for how to learn individual learning objects as part of a lab

See Also

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