Merlot notes: Hybrid Courses & Collaboration

Merlot session notes: Hybrid Courses and Collaboration

  • Hybrid Course
    • Cathy Simpson -
    • Laura Franklin -
    • Northern Virginia Community College
    • Powerpoint online at nvcc
    • a course where a significant portion of the learning activities are moved online, in addition to f2f learning
    • Blended learning
    • advantages
      • integrate out-of-class and in-class activitites
      • promotes self-directed learning
      • presents learning materials in a range of formats (for various learning styles)
      • promotes greater student involvement and engagement
      • flexibility
      • maximize physical resources
    • types of hybrids
      • synchronous f2f with asynchronous online
      • synchronous online (centra) with asynch. online
      • highest mix for a "hybrid" course is 50/60
    • types of activities during course time
      • didactic - lecture
      • discursive - exploration
      • ....
    • F2F and online are "symbiotic"
      • each feed each other
      • classroom time acts as ice-breaker, enhancing online
      • F2F --> online --> F2F coaching --> online --> F2F performance and feedback --> online feedback
      • online bits could be learning objects
      • online != "homework"
    • Challenges?
      • Time invested in course redesign
      • integrating online activities with F2F meetings
      • designing online activities to meet objectives
      • course management
      • developing new teaching strategies
      • ensuring appropriate course load (don't turn it into a course-and-a-half)
    • Buffet vs. meal
      • let users pick the bits that are best for them
      • "you can serve the best roast beef, but a vegetarian won't have a good meal"
      • buffet metaphor allowed by hybrid course gets around this. Veggies get veggie. etc...
    • "Hands-on is needed for Minds-on"
    • Match Merlot sites to learning styles
      • use LSQs
        • felder/solaman ...
        • VARK
      • helps student select LOs that may be best suited for their needs
    • Use personal collections in Merlot to present sets of LOs
    • Activity
      • students find 3 LOs, and share with group in F2F
      • students find a variety of resources and modalities, share with group
      • use the Merlot Editor's Choices as starting point
    • Focussing on the social aspect rather than the technological
  • CamerONline
    • Karen Hardin
    • studied standards used
    • interoperability of courses, but easier for students who can move from course to course...
    • faculty are trained in use of blackboard (using Bb courses, some created by faculty)
      • tutorials on Bb, Windows, Netscape, IE, ... basics needed to get up and running
    • Communication in courses
      • email
        • only for personal questions
        • if it's anything else, it goes into discussion board to share with class/group
        • filter with subject (course number) to group messages for instructor
        • appropriate communication rules
          • outlined in prep. course
          • attempt to manage effects of perceived anonymity from the "chat generation"
          • punctuation, grammar, speling are important.
          • professional conduct
          • don't forward jokes...
      • Discussion board
        • student questions board
          • used for questions on course content
          • students responsible for all content in this forum (must read it all)
        • introduction board
          • fosters learning community - able to "meet" other learners in the class
          • good to have a back-room channel
          • becomes a "coffee house"
        • require participation
          • not passive recipients...
          • receive credit for participation in forum
        • Discussion administrators for group discussions
          • "list mom" - moderator
          • provides summary to other groups, so all students in class know what other groups are doing
        • Devil's advocate - have people take alternate viewpoints in discussions
        • Archive old discussions - available after "class"
          • also works to clean out old topics so students can focus on "current" topics and discussions
      • Chat
        • can't require it, due to time zone variations
        • optional tool for collaborations
        • optional material reviews
          • synchronous, scheduled "events" where students "meet" to review content
          • lecture notes...
        • rules of conduct during chat.
        • chat archived and stored afterwards

See Also

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