Pachyderm Meeting

In San Francisco for a few days for the Pachyderm meeting. It's weird having green stuff around in January. That just ain't right.

About to head into the first session of a 3-day planning marathon. Should be fun. We'll be spending a bunch of time working on requirements for the current software and for the new build, as well as some Bigger Picture Stuff.

Mike and I just went for a walk, hitting CompUSA to score a copy of iLife '04 - except they're completely sold out. No copies for another week. Got to play with Garage Band on a shiny new G5 with a 23" display. Cool stuff. Scary that a hack with negative musical talent can create finished-sounding music. Brace for the clip-music revolution. Flashbacks of the "Desktop Publishing" era. Oy.

I'll post anything of relevance or interest. In the meantime, here's what I mean about the messed up seasons... This is the middle of winter in San Francisco:

Coit Tower

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