Flames Games Sold Out

A bunch of us here in the Learning Commons were poised above our keyboards at precisely noon today - when the available Saddledome seats were released to ticketmaster.ca

Well, the rabid Flames fans basically brought the Ticketmaster server to its knees - search results were displaying an estimate of 15 minutes to find anything, and all tickets were sold out before search results were displayed.

I'm guessing all seats, for both games #3 and #4, were sold out in under 10 minutes. To those lucky enough to sneak through the Ticketmaster screen.

Maybe Darryl should draft Ticketmaster for defense. Nothing gets through ;-)

Looks like all that's left are auction seats, which is good for the charity, but the cheapest seats are currently $665, going up to $1000. And there's still over an hour left on the auction. I guess I could put Evan on eBay, but an hour isn't much time...

Stanley Cup 2004

UPDATE: I just heard - the tickets for both games sold out in under 6 minutes. There were "computer problem", or they estimate the tickets would have sold out in under 60 seconds. Wow. And apparently tickets to the last game in Tampa Bay were available at the door for $6 US.

And the auction tickets finally sold for $800 - $1255. Per seat. Holy. Crap.

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