APOLLO Deployed on Solaris

I just finished an initial test deployment of APOLLO, including all frameworks and a sample searching application, on a Solaris server for use by the folks in BC. The install of our stuff was really quite simple - just copy some stuff into the right directories and add a new WebObjects application. Done.

APOLLO: Phobos on Solaris

There were only 2 small snags:

  • Frameworks need to be installed into $ NEXT_ROOT/Local/Library/Frameworks/ - I had been putting them into the MacOSX-ish $ NEXT_ROOT/Library/Frameworks/. Once I figured out the problem, it took all of 5 seconds to fix.
  • The shell in Solaris handles the backspace key differently than on MacOSX - so if I messed up while entering a command (like copying a directory or something), I'd have to control+c and start that one over again. King just suggested setting the "Delete Key Sends Backspace" preference in Terminal.app - that works perfectly. If only I'd have realized that an hour or two earlier... ;-)

It's good to know that the APOLLO stuff really is portable. It wasn't too difficult to install on a platform that had never seen APOLLO before, and that's comforting :-)


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