Lightweight Asset Aggregation

I was just playing around with the Lightweight Asset Management thingy I've been working on, and decided to try something new...

For a couple of years now, I've maintained a quick and dirty website of webcams of warm places. You know, for when it's not so nice outside...

I took the URLs from that website, and entered them into the lightweight asset manager as regular old "learning objects" with Dublin Core metadata. Then, I whipped up some simple PHP to run queries on the metadata, looking for the geographical area, and type of resource (webcam in caribbean, for example).

Easy, peasy "learning object aggregation". It's a silly example, but it would work just as well with an embryology microscopy collection, or a set of cartographical plates (if, you know, I'd had any handy...)

aggregation of learning objects - or webcams, as the case may be...

I'm trying to practice what I've been preaching about small pieces loosely joined. And I'm really digging it! This would have been possible in CAREO, but would have required inserting new code and data, recompiling the app, and hoping nobody was using it when I restarted it. And hoping I didn't break anything else while adding this...

Now, it's just another simple interface to the same set of data... And no, Stephen, I don't plan on having an RSS feed for this yet :-) I'm just playing around with interesting things to do with metadata...

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