Help Wanted

King announced yesterday that he has accepted a position at a company in downtown Calgary. Congratulations, King! You're going to enjoy it. Projects in the Real World are different than University projects in so many ways, and I know King will do well in that environment.

Which leaves me trying to figure out how to fill his chair here in the Learning Commons. Replacing King is just flat out impossible. Anyone who has ever worked with him will attest to that. He is by far the most gifted programmer and all-around-developer that I have ever met (and I've had the distinct pleasure to have worked with him for 4 years now).

King's work on APOLLO and Pachyderm is nothing short of sheer genius. Elegance in code and design. I'm humbled daily, and will definitely miss that.

What I'm hoping to do is to bring in some students to help fill in the gap that will be left when King's contract is up in April. Likely, one person to handle the video processing and compression, and probably another one or two to help out with APOLLO and Pachyderm (and any number of other projects).

If you want to be a part of some absolutely amazing projects, working with a great bunch of people (and myself :-) ), and can hit the ground more-or-less running, then please get in touch with me.

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