ELGG - Another Multi-User Weblog Server

I just started playing around with ELGG - an open source multi-user weblog package. It also claims to do some e-portfolio stuff. It's a really nice app. LDAP is a required feature. It can be deployed on any server you want. Templates are customizable on a per-blog basis (with selection of templates from a list of options, and the ability to create and extend templates).

It mimics Flickr in its use of tags and friends to create webs of content. And it seems to strike a nice balance between complexity and ease of use. It's complex enough to be useful. Simple enough to not be scary.

So far, I'm very impressed. I'll keep playing with it over the next little while, and will hopefully see how it fits in with the other options.

At first blush, it appears to be an ideal compromise between the flexibility of Drupal, and the standalone blog style of MovableType.


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