Notes from Museums and the Web 2005

I'm just cleaning some files off of my desktop (computer, not physical - although I should really do that, too...) and came across the brief OmniOutliner file I started during the Finding Stuff session at MW2005. Here's my lame/brief notes, posted here so I can find and remember the acronyms later...

  • Searching and museums
    • Sculpteur project (european)
      • CIDOC CRM (Conceptual Reference Model) semantic representation of items in a collection, and the relationships between them (object is a painting, created by a user, who lived in a city, which was home to these other painters...)
        • Semantic representation of properties and relationships
        • Much richer descriptions than Dublin Core
    • CBIR
      • context-based searching
      • find things with a similar colour/pattern to this one...
    • SRW
      • z39.50 search protocol for interoperability

See Also

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