Faculty Technology Days session on Weblogs and Wikis

I'm going to be riding a session on Academic Publishing with Weblogs and Wikis tomorrow morning as part of Faculty Technology Days 2005 here at the U of C. I'm going to be trying something a bit different, borrowing a page from Brian Lamb's playbook - putting together a set of wiki resources, and then letting the flow take over and see where we all wind up. I normally start with a more conventional presentation, then shift gears to the more interactive stuff, but we're going to have a lab with a computer for each of the 30+ participants, so I thought we could just jump right in with the weblogs and the wikis and the whatnot. Anyway, here's the wiki page - it's rather bare-bones, partially by design. I'll try to add some more stuff tonight, but even if I don't get to that, I can show how to add stuff to wikis Live and In Person! (or, perhaps, have the participants hammer away at it...) It should be an interesting session. I'm hoping to gather some feedback on what types of things the campus folks are interested in. Will weblogs.ucalgary.ca take off? How about wiki.ucalgary.ca? I can only make so many guesses without real feedback and input from actual humans :-) I just read through some of the text I wrote, and boy do I sound like a pinko commie! Power to the people! Members of the proletariat, blog! Hope I don't have any troubles getting across the border after this... ;-)

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