EDUCAUSE Podcast on Project Governance

On the way into the office this morning, I listened to a very interesting podcast produced by Matt Pasiewicz and released on the EDUCAUSE blog/podcasting network. The podcast was a recording of a presentation by Lisa Kosanovich from BYU, titled "Project Governance: Avoiding Administrivia" - I listened because I feel like I'm drowning in administrivia lately, and was pleasantly surprised by the presentation. She refers to several detailed slides in a powerpoint file, which is available on the resources page for the presentation.

It turns into an excellent overview of functional project management, and how to avoid the easy traps that pull projects into dysfunctional ordeals. She gets a bit off track when using the Air Traffic Control system on September 11, 2001 as a sample project, but the rest of the session is really good.

If you're working on a project, please listen to the podcast. You don't have to agree with everything in it, but it is certainly a good starting point.

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