Workshops on weblogs, wikis, etc. @ The U of C

It looks like I'll be doing a couple of campus-wide workshops on the whole weblogs/wikis/rss/etc... stuff here at the University of Calgary. I'm going to try to pace it a little better than previous rounds, so will be breaking it into separate sessions. The first session will be on weblogs and RSS, to give a tour of what this stuff is, and point people at a few places to get started - and I'll follow up a couple of weeks later with a session on wikis - likely focussing on and the wikipedia.

They will both be fully hands-on sessions, with people hammering on the stuff right along with me - not just another boring PPT presentation. I'm planning on at least starting off using the Lamb Method (i.e., present using a wiki page as a guide, and branching as needed), then seeing where we wind up from there. I'll be posting all resources for the sessions to

This is officially part of the "Inquiry through blended learning" program, but we're planning on making the workshops open to anyone - space allowing, of course.

Update: Here are the "blurbs" I submitted for the workshops (titles link to the registration forms for each workshop):

Personal Publishing with Weblogs and RSS

This hands-on workshop will provide an introduction to the wonderful world of weblogs - personal publishing software that can make it easier to form effective and dynamic online communities of practice. Weblogs require little (or no) technical knowledge, and take care of the "hard" parts of publishing content online. Also, an introduction to RSS - Really Simple Syndication - will show you how you can read 500 websites in 15 minutes, allowing you to be a part of a much larger and richer online community.
Link for the online resources:

Collaborative Publishing with Wiki

Wiki is more than a piece of software - it is a strange new way of thinking about content. What if every page on a website was freely editable by any visitor to that website? What if editors didn't need to know FTP? HTML? Javascript? This hands-on workshop will give an overview of wiki software - and provide you with some sample applications of wiki for collaborative document editing and simple publishing.
Link for the online resources:

See Also

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