Elluminate for online presentations/sessions

I just tested Elluminate, which will be used during next week's "Podcasting in Education" session I'm doing for ADETA next week. We did a session using a Windows machine, which I reserved for the test because I just assumed it wouldn't work properly for hosting the session via a Mac. It ran flawlessly on Windows, even sharing the microphone from the headset with both Elluminate and Audacity.

We ran through a quick sample of what the session will involve. Another Lambian wiki-powered by-the-seat-of-the-pants-if-they're-available session, which will likely start in iTunes to show the Podcasting directory, then jump to Audacity to show recording, then to weblogs.ucalgary.ca to show uploading (and then listening directly on the website), then back to iTunes to show subscribing and listening there (and potentially on a portable device).

When I got back to my desk, I was wondering if it would work hosting a session from a Mac. Patrick thought it should work - it's just a java app after all - so I fired it up from my trusty desktop machine. And it worked great! Application sharing appears to work, and everything else runs the same as it did on the Windows box. Man, if I can avoid using Windows... :-)

The session will be recorded, and I'll post a link afterward for those who aren't registered. Apparently, the session is sold out. Pattie made that sound like a Big Deal, but it could be that every session sells out... :-)

The wiki page of Podcasting resources is already online.

See Also

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