Fun in Vancouver - Day 1

Had a good flight over the Rocks this am. Too damned early, but them's the breaks. Took a psycho cab ride from YVR to UBC - cabbie using GPS mapping to find the centre of campus. Went for a quick walk to the lookout point over the rose garden (holy crap is UBC a gorgeous campus...) then headed up to Buchanan C Penthouse to meet up with Brian and Alan for the morning Pachyderm demo session.

The Pachy session went reasonably well - a quick overview of the software, and some demos of some published content (Mavericks, MSoMA, Education ePortfolio prototype, etc...). Some really good questions from the ~12 people in the audience.

Then a quick walk back to the rose garden, and on to the Studio for the Social Software Salon. Brian and Jason recorded the whole session, which turned into essentially a freefrom roundtable discussion of social software as it relates to education, and vice versa. Gardner Campbell Skyped in, and the whole conversation was really interesting. Jason and Brian will be releasing nuggets of the 3-hour recording as smaller podcasts. Hope that turned out OK.

Hanging out at Casa Del Lamb - great food, great conversation, and Brian makes one mean Manhattan.

I'll be posting what few pics I took - Alan has his XT here, so I'm feeling like I can chill out and let his Big Gun take care of the photo-documentary...

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