Campus Calgary Digital Library Groundbreaking

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new Campus Calgary Digital Library building was held this morning. Judging from the attendance, lots of people are interested in the project, or the free cake. It's going to be much more effective, having all library-related, and supporting services in one building. The Teaching & Learning Centre (nee Learning Commons) will be moving there when the building opens in 2008, along with various Library services, Information Technology, the Nickel Art Museum, and several other units.

There were no scale models on hand, so I've got no idea what the final building will look like, but it sounds like it's going to be cool, with various teaching rooms available - intersperced with items from the Nickel Art Museum collections.

The Alberta Minister of Advanced Education was on hand, and mentioned 700 million bucks worth of capital projects in the works for the U of C campus. With the CCDL building taking just over $100M, that leaves almost $600M for other goodies, including an "experiential learning centre" - it's going to be a fun/noisy next couple of years on campus...

CCDL Groundbeaking Ceremony - 5

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