BCEdOnline 2006 Thursday Keynote Topics

Stephen Downes is hosting a keynote at BCEdOnline 2006 (Thursday April 20, 2:45-3:45pm) and was gracious enough to invite Brian and myself to take a ride on his coattails to join him on stage for the keynote. I'm going to fly into Vancouver just for the day (and will try to be as awake as possible during the keynote).

We're planning to do something rather less conventional. Not quite an "un-keynote" - but more of a discussion or fireside chat, directed by the audience. It'd be pretty presumptuous not to tap into the audience for an event like this, so an open discussion-slash-Q&A session seemed more fitting. Likely not quite to the level of managed chaos that we were able to achieve for the Social Software Salon, perhaps more akin to the Edublogger Hootenanny.

But, for it to work, audience participation is key. It doesn't have to be in-person participation, either. I borrowed a spot on Brian's wiki to hold a list of potential topics/questions to be brought up during the session. If the lines at the microphone don't form, we can fall back on these.

If you're going to BCEdOnline, or just have some ideas about what should be discussed, please surf on over to the wiki page and edit to your heart's content!

I'm not sure, but I'd guess the session will be recorded somehow for sharing afterwards with the rest of the class...

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