Banner Images

This page lists all of the images that are being used in the banner area of this weblog. I'm using a script to automatically and randomly select one of the images each time a page is loaded (but that may behave differently, depending on browser or caching). They are listed in chronological order, in the order they were added to the rotation pool - not the order they were taken. I'll be updating this page as I have time, to provide more information about each image - when/where/why was it taken? Why did I add it to the rotation pool?

Alcatraz and San Francisco Sunset

banner image Took this during WWDC 2003, when I was doing some tourist stuff with Trevor. This was taken from the end of Pier 39, and shows Alcatraz and the north end of The Bay.

Backyard Panorama

banner image This was taken from the back door of my house. It's an Autostitch panorama of 5 other images. It shows the portion of 12 Mile Coulee that runs behind my house, as well as Evan's stuff in the yard. Taken in the summer of 2005.

Kananaskis - Banff Gate

banner image Taken on my Dad's 70th birthday, from their timeshare just outside of Canmore/Banff.

Kananaskis - Banff Gate 2

banner image Taken on my Dad's 70th birthday, from their timeshare just outside of Canmore/Banff.

Kananaskis - Banff Gate 3

banner image Taken on my Dad's 70th birthday, from their timeshare just outside of Canmore/Banff.

Mountains over Bearspaw

banner image Taken from 12 Mile Coulee Road (about half a kilometer from my house), looking west to the Rocky Mountains.

Bearspaw Pano Oct 2005

banner image Taken from 12 Mile Coulee Road (about half a kilometer from my house), looking west to the Rocky Mountains. An autostitch pano of several shots.

Bow Valley

banner image Taken at Banff Gate, near Canmore.

Downtown Calgary Pano

banner image An autostitch pano of several shots taken from the observation deck of the Calgary Tower.

Circus Bigtops

banner image Taken before entering the 2005 Al Azhar Shrine Circus, held at Canada Olympic Park, in actual circus tents. My dad's a shriner, and is a clown, so he was working the circus.

Cochrane Hill Fence

banner image Taken the day I got my Fujifilm camera, and I wanted to test it out a bit by taking a bunch of sunset shots from the top of the big hill in Cochrane. There's a bit transmission tower on top of the hill, and this was just beside that, looking north along the barbed wire fence. The sunset cast everything in this funky red/orange glow...

SF Coit Transamerica

banner image Taken from the 36th floor lounge of the Grand Hyatt. The sun was reflecting perfectly off of the windows of the TA tower.

DeYoung New Guinea Masks

banner image Taken at the DeYoung Museum's New Guinea collection, during the Pachyderm Year 2 Wrapup meetings in San Francisco, November 2005.

San Francisco De Young pano

banner image Autostitch pano of photos taken from the observation deck of the DeYoung Museum's education tower. Looking north, over Golden Gate park toward the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands. Taken during the first day of the Pachyderm Year 2 Wrapup meetings in November 2005.

Diamondhead Waikiki Pano

banner image After NMC2005, we hiked to the top of Diamondhead. I was carrying a 35 pound boy on my shoulders most of the way up (and down) so got an awesome workout. The view was totally worth it. This is another Autostitch pano of half a dozen other images. We were staying in a condo at the Ilikai - the blotch of blue building at the far west end of Waikiki.

Diamondhead from Waikiki

banner image Taken from the lagoon at the Hilton, next to the Ilikai - looking over Waikiki toward Diamondhead.

Downtown Calgary - 2002

banner image This was taken just hours before Evan was born, from the room he was born in. I wanted to capture what downtown Calgary looked like on that day, so he could look back in a decade or three and see what's changed...

Elbow Falls Pano

banner image Another Autostitch pano, taken in the summer of 2005 at Elbow Falls, just west of Calgary, near Kananaskis Country. This is where we took Evan camping for the first time.

Exploratorium Foyer

banner image Took this shot during a Pachyderm developer's weeklong meeting at Sonoma State University. We had an evening excursion to the Exploratorium in SF. This piece is in the main entrance foyer - a series of pillars carved to form an optical illusion. Not the best photo of it, but I thought it was pretty cool.

Grampa & Grandson

banner image Taken in Oct 2005, at the Al Azhar Shrine Centre in Calgary.

Hanauma Bay

banner image Taken after the NMC 2005 Summer Conference in Honolulu. We hopped on The Bus to go snorkling at Hanauma Bay. Pretty amazing place.

San Francisco Sutro Sunset

banner image Taken on the last day of the Pachyderm year 2 wrapup meetings in San Francisco, November 2005. From the restaurant on the 36th floor of the Grand Hyatt San Francisco. Looking west, toward Sutro Tower, sunset and the Golden Gate Bridge. I liked how the lights of the city were just becoming visible, and the details of the buildings were still there. And the apocalypse in the west...

iPod Doom

banner image My iPod, playing the iPodLinux port of Doom!

Magen's Bay - 1997

banner image We got married on this spot on Magen's Bay, St. Thomas USVI in 1997. Must. Go back. Now...

U of C Prairie Chicken

banner image This is a landmark on the U of C campus. I've been seeing this damned thing since 1987, so added it as a banner image as a token Image From Calgary :-)

SF Hyatt Fountain map

banner image Just outside the Grand Hyatt entrance, there is a cool fountain with an amazing relief map of the city. Don't know how old it is, but the details were pretty interesting.

SF Downtown Pano

banner image Autostitch pano, again from the lounge on the 36th floor of the Grand Hyatt, during a Pachyderm meeting.

SFMOMA from Metreon

banner image Taken during WWDC2005, from the patio of the Metreon. I loved how the reflecting pool caught bits of the Yerba Buena Center, and SFMOMA.

SFMOMA Second Floor Foyer

banner image Taken outside the Koret Visitor Education Center at SFMOMA, during the second day of the Pachyderm Year 2 Wrapup meetings in November 2005. The museum was closed to the public, and this shot just jumped out at me as I was stretching my legs during a break in the meetings.

Solar Challenge 2005

banner image The 2005 Solar Challenge finish line was at the University of Calgary. This photo is a close shot of the solar panels on top of one of the cars.

Stanley Park Pano

banner image Taken from Stanley Park, Vancouver, during the NMC 2004 Summer Conference. We all had a blast hanging around in Vancouver (even if the boy didn't like the drive over the mountains very much)

Sulphur Mountain Pano 2

banner image Another shot taken during the hike at the top of the gondola, overlooking Banff. This one is an Autostitch pano, showing the visitor centre on top of the mountain. I think one of the Bond villains actually lives here in the off season.

Sulphur Mountain Pano

banner image Another Autostitch pano, taken from the top of the Sulpur Mountain gondola, looking down over Banff. Another hike where I had a large boy strapped to my shoulders :-)

San Francisco Sunset

banner image Taken from the restaurant on the 36th floor of the Grand Hyatt, overlooking Sutro Tower, towards the Golden Gate Bridge.

U of C Olympic Oval Torch Statue

banner image Taken at the finish line for the Solar Challenge 2005. Shows the Olympic Torch and statue outside the main entrance to the Olympic Oval skating venue on campus.

Sunset over Utah

banner image Taken from the Bombardier CRJ-700 on a flight back home from San Francisco.

Waikiki from Diamondhead

banner image View of Waikiki Beach from the top of Diamondhead.

Waikiki Sunset

banner image Yet another shot from Hawaii. The family was walking along Waikiki on a Saturday afternoon/eveneing, and near the east end (closest to the zoo), they have this food festival and movie right on the beach at sunset. We hung around for that, and I got this great shot of the sunset from the beach end of the pier.

Latitude XML Menu

banner image Taken at Latitude's, in Rohnert Park, during a week long Pachyderm development meeting at Sonoma State University. The menu wasn't actually in XML, but Larry Johnson was using it as a prop to demonstrate some of the principles of XML parsing. He's a geek at heart :-)

Yerba Buena Gardens Pano

banner image Taken during WWDC2005, from the patio of the Metreon. I loved how the reflecting pool caught bits of the Yerba Buena Center, and SFMOMA. Autostitch pano of 4 other images.

Zoo Lights 2005

banner image Some of the christmas light display at the Calgary Zoo.

Waikiki from Chuck's Grill

banner image An awesome view from the patio of this restaurant. Best view in Waikiki.

Galleria Aquarium

banner image In Honolulu, the Galleria Mall has a giant aquarium on one side of the building. Pretty impressive - especially for a mall.

See Also

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