University of Calgary's Website Now Powered by Drupal

UCalgary Drupal HomepageThe U of C threw the switch over the weekend, and the new Drupal -powered website is now live. It's got some (temporary) gaps, as content is migrated over from the old site, but it's much nicer than the previous whack-a-mole navigation we had previously. And, since it's managed by Drupal, content updates are likely to happen more often.

IT is testing the waters with the homepage migration - the site is authored/published by Drupal, but is exported as static HTML and that's what is living on our main webserver. As they get more comfortable with hosting Drupal and with performance/scalability, they'll start rolling out dynamically-driven sites rather than HTML snapshots.

Here's what the site used to look like. The arrows lined up near the bottom are the whack-a-mole faculty navigation links.

UCalgary Whack-a-Mole Navigation

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