Firefox 2 with Performancing

Firefox 2 with PerformancingFirefox 2 with PerformancingFirefox 2 with PerformancingFirefox 2 with PerformancingFirefox 2 with PerformancingFirefox 2 with PerformancingFirefox 2 with PerformancingLike just about everyone else with an active TCP/IP stack, I grabbed a copy of Firefox 2.0 today. It feels much cleaner and faster than before, and the spelchecker is definitely welcome (making it feel more like a MacOSX browser, where all other browsers have had spelcheking for ages...)

As part of the upgrade, it grabbed new versions of my extensions, including Performancing. Poking around in the PFF 1.3 settings, I notice it's got its own concept of plugins. Including one that takes any local images used in a blog post and hucks them into Flickr on demand. mwaaaAAH? I've just got to try that sucker. How about a screenshot of Firefox 2.0 with PFF 1.3? Here goes... command+3, then drag the resulting image into place and resize by dragging the corner widgets...

: It didn't handle resizing as expected (or at all - no way to select one of the Flickr-generated sizes, only original), and using a 1280x854 screenshot inline in a blog entry would be evil. But it works. Cool. Dragging the image from Flickr directly into PFF solves the problem nicely.

And PFF seems to have lost all of the strange text rendering bugs I was seeing under Firefox 1.x.

Update 2: PFF still doesn't seem to successfully set categories/tags on my Drupal site. Don't know if that's a problem with PFF or Drupal (or both). Not fatal, but inconvenient.

Update 3: How does the image FTP upload work?

Update 4: OK. I got categories working! Woohoo! The trick is to set Drupal to use the MetaWeblog API, and tell PFF to connect to a Drupal site. Seems to work like a charm.

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