New Camera Toys

The Teaching & Learning Centre picked up a new Canon Digital Rebel XTi and 28-135mm USM IS lens, primarily to better photograph events and workshops. I took a quick walk around this side of campus to try it out. Man, do I love the new lens. The XTi is a pretty nice upgrade, too. I'm still really happy with my (now obsolete) XT, but the XTi is nice. The LCD feels HUGE. The 9-point focus is good (although I have my XT set to center focus only, so the extra 8 points would be wasted).

I posted a bunch of my test photos - sets of two, taken at each end of the lenses' range.

ST Hallway @ 28mmST Hallway @ 135mm

ST Hallway @ 300mm

I'll try to make some time to test out the new rig over the next week or so. And of course, now I need to save up to buy my own 28-135mm USM IS lens. Dayum, that's nice.

Update: I added a sample of the same shot taken with a 75-300mm EF USM MkII at 300mm for comparison. It's a bit blurry because that lens is not IS, and I didn't have a tri- or monopod handy. Hand-holding at 300mm in lowish light is not recommended...

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