Springtime in Calgary

You can tell it's springtime in Calgary when you wake up to this:

morning blizzard ride - 1morning blizzard ride - 2morning blizzard ride - 3morning blizzard ride - 4

And then after you get to work, you check Dashboard Weather and find this:

Up to +7ËšC today, then up to +22ËšC this weekend. At least the surprise dump of white stuff will melt quickly... It was a really fun ride to work this morning. Maybe too much fun. I've got street slicks on my bike, so didn't have much traction. Going up hills was interesting. And I had to stop repeatedly to clear snow from inside the fenders, from off of the handlebars, off of my jacket and helmet. And had to constantly wipe the giant flakes from my glasses so I could see where I was going. I avoided the busiest street portion of the ride, ducking through a park instead. No need to take unnecessary risks...


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