educational simulations

I've been collecting some links to interesting educational simulations to show faculty members. There's some great stuff out there. The list is NOT comprehensive, and I'm not including LOTS of great simulations. This is just the list I give to faculty members asking about effective educational simulations.

  • Sharkrunners (a Discovery Channel simulation for biology - tracking sharks using real data)
  • Mediated Cultures World Simulator (really cool non-technical geocultural simulation - thanks to Alan Levine for sharing the link to this one!)
  • Physics simulations by the University of Colorado at Boulder (thanks to Jennifer Jones for sharing this link!)
  • Social Simulator Project (tries to simulate what a person with autism experiences)
  • Play2Train (emergency and disaster response simulation built in SecondLife)
  • Breathing Earth (displays realtime global demographic data)
  • Karma Tycoon (run your own non-profit organization, single- or multi-player)

work  fun 

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