Ride tracking

It looks like most of my training for the 2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer will be during my regular commutes to and from work. I've decided to treat the afternoon ride as a training ride, adding some hill climbing and trying to maintain speed.

I picked up a copy of the Cyclometer app for the iPhone today (thanks to a tip from Doug Springer) - it's a very slick app that uses GPS to track the ride. Not entirely unique, but the implementation is very well done. I like that it doesn't rely on a website to store the data, as well. It does suck up a fair amount of juice from the iPhone battery - 12% in the 38 minutes of my ride home. Also, I don't use any of the display info or remote controls while riding - I don't have an iPhone handlebar mount, so just start the app and toss it in the bag under my saddle. Seems to get strong enough GPS signal through the canvas, and I don't have to worry as much about it sliding off, or getting wet, or otherwise schmutzed...

Here are the stopwatch, graphs (speed and elevation) and map views:

bike  iphone 

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