2014 Week 45 in review

  • The EDU folks all met with the director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at our Qatar campus (she was in town for the week, working out of our offices). We figured out lots of ways that we can collaborate.
  • starting to order items to add to the “tech lending library” fleet, as well as stuff we can use to make videos etc…
  • reverted the elearn.ucalgary.ca site to the old broken Drupal version because it was too jarring having some stuff in the awesome new WordPress knowledgebase, and other stuff in the old site. When we’ve had a chance to move all content to the new site, I’ll just throw the switch and be done with it all at once.
  • started rebuilding the UofC D2L mobile apps in the DubLabs application framework1. They’ll do the first build of the app (just working on CAS authentication now), and then I can take it from there. Should be a better mobile app that’s more than just a webkit wrapper. Hopefully.
  • again, more stuff that needs more time to grow before it can be blogged.

  1. after D2L moved the service to a third party ↩︎

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