Babb et al. (2010). Constructing communication in blended learning environments: students’ perceptions of good practice in hybrid courses

Babb, S., Stewart, C., & Johnson, R. (2010). Constructing Communication in Blended Learning Environments: Students’ Perceptions of Good Practice in Hybrid Courses. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 6(4), 735–753.


p.736: Technology alone cannot create an effective learning community without the support of theory to fortify the course design — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.736: Students in hybrid courses also feel a stronger sense of community with their classmates and professor when compared with both traditional and online students (Rovai & Jordan, 2004) — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.742: Specifically, user-friendly websites which increase student involvement, house well-designed assignments, provide a forum for faculty–student communication, build a community of learners, and have a mechanism for providing prompt feedback and communicating high expectations were noted as good practices in hybrid instruction — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.742: Increased student involvement with the LMS also enhanced students’ satisfaction with their performance in the course — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.743: students who enjoyed interacting with their classmates, enjoyed discussing course material with their peers online, and felt comfortable sharing their opinions and views were more satisfied with their performance in their hybrid courses — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

p.746: Student Perceptions of Course Delivery Survey — Highlighted Jan 30, 2016

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