Barak & Levenberg (2016). Flexible thinking in learning: an individual differences measure for learning in technology-enhanced environments

Barak, M., & Levenberg, A. (2016). Flexible thinking in learning: An individual differences measure for learning in technology-enhanced environments. Computers & Education, 99, 39–52.


p.40: we identified three main factors that may indicate a learners’ dispositional inclination to think flexibly in technology-enhanced learning: Acceptance of new or changing technologies (Technology acceptance), Openmindedness to others’ ideas (Open-mindedness), and Adapting to changes in learning situations (Adapting to new situations). — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.40: Technology acceptance — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.40: Following the need to examine an individual’s ability to accept and adopt new technologies, the Technology Acceptance Model was generated (e.g. Davis, 1989; Edmunds, Thorpe, & Conole, 2012; Legris, Ingham, & Collerette, 2003; Venkatesh & Bala, 2008). This model consists of four constructs: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitudes toward using technology, and behavioral intention — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.41: Open-mindedness — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.41: includes the willingness to change one’s beliefs in the face of contradictory evidence — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.41: Open-Minded Thinking questionnaire (Stanovich & West, 1997 — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.41: 1.2.3. Adapting to new or changing situations — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.41: (Ployhart & Bliese, 2006). The I-ADAPT scale consists of eight dimensions: cultural, learning, creativity, crisis, work stress, physical, uncertainty, and interpersonal. — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.41: theoretical basis and the methodological framework — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.42: Six stages of the Flexible Thinking in Learning (FTL) scale — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.43: Content validity ratio for each item — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.43: online questionnaire — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.43: undergraduate students who were enrolled in a variety of education courses — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.50: Learners can use the FTL questionnaire as a reflective tool, raising awareness to their own strengths and weaknesses — Highlighted May 13, 2016

p.50: Researchers can use it for examining the degree to which pedagogical interventions may affect learners’ flexible thinking — Highlighted May 13, 2016

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