performance/class/session process


  • course design
  • interaction design
  • assessment design
  • “set” design
  • instructional design
  • research design


  • [pre-intra-post]
  • what happened?
  • live events
  • artifacts
  • data capture
  • multimodal capture & recording
  • audio, video, spatial, 3D + negative space, thermal, ambient conditions, textual, commentary, biometric (HR, GSR/EDR, BT…), other…


  • Roles
  • Interactions between participants with space & with technology


  • [individual + group]
  • perceptions
  • what worked?
  • challenges?
  • what should change?
  • recommendations?
  • what did you learn about the “subject”? about yourself? about each other? about performance? about teaching? about learning?

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