Podcasting Segment on TKO

Update: Added small screengrabs of the segment.

This morning, I got my copy of the Technical Knockout episode starring yours truly. I was braced for an embarrassing 2 minute segment, but was pleasantly surprised - it was actually pretty good! And I didn't feel too self-conscious seeing myself on the little screen.

It should be airing in a couple of weeks, and I'm not allowed to "rebroadcast" the tape (Big Scary Letter™ included with the tape, and a Big Scary Warning™ burned into the first 5 minutes of tape). Keep your eye on the GlobalTV listings, for Technical Knockout (TKO) episode "Satellite Stalkers"

I'll try to grab the segment (or at the least a few framegrabs) to share with the rest of the class...

podcasting screengrabpodcasting screengrabpodcasting screengrabpodcasting screengrabpodcasting screengrabpodcasting screengrab

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