WWDC 2005

I just officially got word that I'm going to WWDC 2005. This is going to be an amazing conference. I've been to two WWDCs before (2002, 2003), and each time it was like a weeklong firehose-drinking geekfest. There is SO much stuff going on, and the caliber of the presentations (and non-presentation gatherings) are much higher than any other conference I've experienced.

King and Josh will be going, too, so there will be a strong NMC/Pachyderm contingent. I wonder if we should score some of the traditional elephant stickers for our conference badges?

Anyway, if you're going to WWDC, and are curious about Pachyderm, just look for the overweight slightly balding man with facial hair, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Wait. It's a geek conference... I need to be more specific...

I used Priceline to let William Fucking Shatner score me cheap hotel rooms. I don't think we're supposed to say how much we get the rooms for, but it's less than half the book value, at the hotel less than a block from the conference.

It's going to be a hectic June for me. WWDC is the week before the NMC Summer Conference, where I'll be dragging the family for an extended visit to Honolulu, so that means I'm going to be out of the office for 3 weeks straight. And both WWDC and NMC are going to be extremely busy conferences for me. I get to mostly lurk at WWDC, but that's still pretty busy. I get to present a couple of sessions at NMC2005, and there will likely be a lot of Pachyderm-related gatherings as well. That last week on the beach will sure come in handy...

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