Merging Flickr/Yahoo accounts breaks FlickrGallery plugin!

I merged my Flickr and Yahoo! accounts over the weekend. I was prompted to do it by Flickr, and didn't think too much about it. But now Flickr Gallery is borked. It's having trouble authenticating against my Yahoo! credentials.

If you're using Flickr Gallery to keep your Flickr life in sync with your WordPress life, hold off on merging accounts for now. I'm hoping there will be an update to Flickr Gallery soon (although the last update was in January 2005, so maybe I shouldn't hold my breath...) - and the tweaks I made to the html so it validates and renders properly are freely available to anyone who wants to keep hacking on the plugin. Looks like the developer's blog hasn't been updated since January either. That's not a good sign. Hope everything's ok...

In my copious spare time, I might have to roll up my sleeves and see if I can get FlickrGallery updated myself so that it can authenticate against Yahoo! credentials...

Update: Looks like Flickr has completely rethunk how they handle authentication. It's not just a username/password pair that are passed around - you get to build an interface to handshake with Flickr so you can store a token. Perhaps more intelligent, but more work on my side if I want to just update FlickrGallery... I've got to add some code to handle the handshake, too...

Update 2: Turns out I didn't have to write that plugin after all. A MUCH better version was already under development. More info here.


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