WebObjects officially cross-platform again

Apple released an update to WebObjects - WO 5.3.1 Developer - which includes these changes:

This update addresses the issues and adds support for the features listed below: (emphasis mine)

  • Adds a modified Developer tools license that allows WebObjects applications developed with Xcode 2.2 to be deployed on any compatible platform
  • Adds better SQL Generation in the EOModeler Plug-in design tool in Xcode
  • Improved FetchSpecification building in the EOModeler Plugin design tool in Xcode
  • Adds a "components and elements" window for improved workflow in WebObjects Builder
  • Addresses incompatibilities with Xcode 2.2 Developer tools on Mac OS X 10.4
  • Bug fixes

Way to go, Apple! You had us all a bit nervous after the switch in licensing scheme at WWDC2005, but it's sooooo good to see the decision come down on the right side of the fence. This will go a long way toward helping retain/grow WebObjects usage.

I've personally been asked by several people about WebObjects' cross-platformedness (specifically by people interested in running their own Pachyderm server when it's available), and my previous "well, officially not so much, but technically - it works just fine" response was something less than optimal. Now it's a wholehearted "development is MacOSX (but free), and deployment runs on anything that can handle an app server - even open source stuff is cool"

Downloading the update now...

Update: Not downloading now... It's not showing up in Software Update yet, and the link on the Apple downloads site is for Server... Grabbing XCode 2.2 from connect.apple.com now, to see if it's got it included (or triggers a WO update after installing)

See Also

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