Update on the unplugging-at-home experiment.

It's hard. Much harder than I would have guessed. I was upstairs the other night, gathering Evan's laundry to throw in the wash. The laundry was in the hamper in the home office. The computer was just sitting there, begging me, pleading with me. Just check your email. See if someone's commented on your blog. Check a couple of blogs. What harm could it do? Who's gonna know? Come on.... You know you want to....

I think I know how Frodo would have felt, with The One Ring pulling at his neck, begging him to be discovered. ... we hates it ... tricksy! false! my.... preeeeciousssssssss....

But, I resisted. Somehow. Not sure if it's going to get easier or harder over time. I know it's going to be difficult tomorrow - the Learning Commons is being renovated, and our desks are all dismantled, so I'll be attempting to work from home Friday...

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