Most Beautiful Edublog 2005

I won! Most Beautiful!? Never thought I'd be saying I won a beauty contest...

Thanks to everyone who voted at this year's Edublog Awards - this blog was voted the "Most beautiful/best designed edublog." I was pretty surprised - there were some great nominees, and I've found lots of (new to me) blogs to follow.

That's pretty cool. However, I can't take the credit - I'm really just assembling various off-the-shelf pieces. Massive kudos have to be sent to Michael Heilemann from Binary Bonsai for designing the totally kick-ass K2 theme for Wordpress.

This is the first award I've ever won for blogging - I can now say (with a relatively straight face) that I have an award winning blog. That's kinda scary, but it's something my parents will appreciate (even if they don't read the blog itself).

My acceptance speech was bit lame - I didn't prepare anything because I didn't think I'd win. So, I just babbled about the pretty banner images for a minute...

The real story of the awards was the total global domination by Canadian bloggers. Something like 7 of the awards went to Canucks..

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