SOLR: Sharable Online Learning Resources for BCCampus

Scott is demoing BCCampus ' SOLR application for sharing online learning resources in the province of BC. I'm really liking the tie-ins with Creative Commons licensing, making it easy for content creators to safely share their stuff.

Here's a screenshot of the cool "Browse All Creative Commons Resources" utility, ala Flickrlilli et. al.

BCCampus SOLR Creative Commons Browser: a screenshot taken of the SOLR BCCampus repository 's Creative Commons browsing interface.BCCampus SOLR Creative Commons Browser: a screenshot taken of the SOLR BCCampus repository 's Creative Commons browsing interface.

They've put a lot of work into making it easy to safely share resources. Many lessons in this... The content submission process is kind of long - lots of linear steps. Some streamlining (maybe ajax loving?) would help. Still, it only takes a minute to submit something...

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