BCCampus ETUG 2006 Windup

I'm sitting in the Comox airport (it's actually quite a nice little airport, with wifi and everything) relaxing after the BCCampus ETUG 2006 workshop/session/mini-conference in Courtenay BC. North Island College was really gorgeous - lush, green, giant trees all over the place, and nicely designed buildings on campus. It even has a cool giant totem pole!

After the morning sessions today, I was arm-twisted into spending the afternoon in the beach (or was I the one doing the arm-twisting?) - had a blast hanging out with Keira and Harry, exploring Goose Spit beach in Comox (nice name, btw). I wound up taking something like 50 photographs, but culled that quite a bit. My faves are online of course...

Goose Spit Beach, Comox

Apparently, while we were frolicking on the beach, David Porter announced the tentative plan to potentially offer social software hosting for BCCampus members, with the BCIT Drupal initiative serving as the prototype or shakedown cruise.

Between that, and the apparently pending announcement that Drupal has been unanimously selected by the "web content management systems" group for recommendation to be adopted as the officially supported content management system at UCalgary, I'm going to be a very busy Drupal boy for the forseeable future...

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