Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Webisodes - for US fans only

Ronald Moore and his crew have been consistently doing amazing, high quality work. They've "gotten it" in a whole bunch of ways, from podcasting show commentaries as episodes air, to blogging, to video blogging behind-the-scenes stuff. I'm so totally, perhaps unhealthily, hooked on this show.

But they totally dropped the ball on the Season 3 webisodes. There are 10 mini-episodes leading up to the season 3 premier, viewable on the website.

But, only if you have an IP address located in the USA.

Fans in Canada should be able to go to to view the webisodes, but apparently wants the scoop. Meaning everyone outside the States is shut out.

Someone posted a copy of the first webisode to YouTube - an obvious copyright infringement - and that was promptly pulled down at the request of NBC.

I'm looking forward to BSG season 3 - more than I've ever anticipated any show. More than Lost. But, because I live North Of The Border, I can't view the free, ad-sponsored webisodes. I don't understand that.

Ron, please kick the studio's ass for us non-US fans. They're being really stupid about this.

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