Resources for Podcasting in Courses in 2020

I’d explored podcasting several years ago - looking at educational uses of podcasts and making my first attempt back in 2004 when the term was first coined - but, everything about “podcasting” has changed since then, and the term has become a genericized label for “I want to share some media”. We’ve been getting requests from instructors who are interested in using podcasts (or “podcasts”) in their courses - whether as part of the instructional materials, or for students to produce media as part of their learning. So. Here are some current resources and links. I’ll update this page with any suggestions.

Podcasting for teaching and learning

University of Michigan, Sweetland Center for Writing. (2020). Scaffolding Your Podcast Composition Assignment (via Gavan Watson’s 3 Teaching Things newsletter)

Drucker, S. (2020). Audible Networks: Podcasts and Collaborative Learning

Taylor Insitute for Teaching and Learning. (2020). Alternative online assessments: Podcasts.

Ferrer, I., Lorenzetti, L, & Shaw, J. (2019): Podcasting for social justice: exploring the potential of experiential and transformative teaching and learning through social work podcasts. Social Work Education, DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2019.1680619

Kaziewicz, J. (2012). Podcasting in the Classroom.

Sample podcasts

Podcasts produced by the UCalgary community

Other podcast examples

Producing podcasts

Starting a podcast:


Publishing & hosting podcasts

The University of Calgary’s YuJa media hosting service can be configured to host podcasts (both audio and video), at no cost to members of the university community. YuJa media channels can produce the RSS feeds used to publish podcasts online.

Third party (free, ad-supported, or commercial) services are also available to use separate from the University:


See Also

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