Tim Bray: Blogging is good for your career

Tim Bray just posted an awesome article: It’s Not Dangerous, in response to the FUD about how blogging will get you fired.

I agree 100% with Tim’s conclusions on how blogging can benefit you. I’m going to knock on wood and hope I continue to avoid the potential downfalls (but they’re related more to being reckless than being a blogger – hopefully that doesn’t apply to me).

Tim Bray just posted an awesome article: It’s Not Dangerous, in response to the FUD about how blogging will get you fired.

I agree 100% with Tim’s conclusions on how blogging can benefit you. I’m going to knock on wood and hope I continue to avoid the potential downfalls (but they’re related more to being reckless than being a blogger – hopefully that doesn’t apply to me).

1 thought on “Tim Bray: Blogging is good for your career”

  1. Tien redenen waarom blogging goed is voor je carrière

    Er zijn in een recent verleden al vaker berichten verschenen van bloggers die hun baan kwijtraakten ten gevolge van hun blogactiviteiten. Toch kunnen we met z’n allen redenen opnoemen waarom bloggen juist goed voor je werk kan zijn. Tim Bray van Ongoi…

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