2010 Ride to Conquer Cancer

Day 1: Calgary to Chain Lakes (via Okotoks, Nanton, and Highway 533)

8:49:11 AM: $7.3 million. Ride begins. http://yfrog.com/9fbb0yj

9:50:12 AM: First pit stop. Awesome day for a ride! http://yfrog.com/9gmkhej

11:00:10 AM: Pit stop #2. Woohoo! http://yfrog.com/jbn63zj

12:00:57 PM: 2900km http://yfrog.com/ev2rbkj

12:15:44 PM: Pit stop 3. 78km down. Lunch! http://yfrog.com/2pmitjj

1:43:13 PM: Longest/highest hill I’ve ever climbed. Ow. Almost to camp. http://yfrog.com/bc7o5j

1:43:58 PM: Pitstop 4. Next stop is camp.

1:49:07 PM: Guy just told me we’ve climbed for 13km. And we’re only 3/4 of the way up. Yay.

2:48:15 PM: I’m at camp! Pain. http://yfrog.com/afyehrj

2:50:00 AM: Rogers failed. No coverage at camp

Day 2: Chain Lakes to Calgary, via Longview, Black Diamond, Turner Valley

7:50:10 AM: Leaving camp. Starting day 2!

8:36:26 AM: At pit stop 1. Flying this morning. Not ugly countryside. http://yfrog.com/0vlh1gj

9:16:24 AM: Now THAT was a hill. Holy shit. http://yfrog.com/mc5b5j

9:22:58 AM: Pitstop 2 in Longview http://yfrog.com/5cgh2nj

10:14:11 AM: 3000km http://yfrog.com/emicobj

10:30:56 AM: Lunchtime! http://yfrog.com/1gns4jj

11:54:09 AM: Final pit stop! Woohoo! http://yfrog.com/0j2nnmj

12:58:46 PM: Finished! http://yfrog.com/g454fj

Photos from the ride:

testing liveblogging again (ignore this…)

7:59:21 AM: Packing up my stuff before checking out. Begin paranoid “what did I forget?” nagging sensation…

8:48:33 AM: Cool! Twitter liveblogging still works. Thought it might have died in the OAthpocalypse.

8:55:00 AM: It’s The Boy’s last day of grade 1, and I didn’t get to see him off this morning. Sadface. My boy will be a Grade two-er when I see him!