Pachyderm Beta 3.0 Info via iChat

The Pachyderm programming team is starting an experiment in live, online feedback for Beta3.

If you're working on authoring a presentation in Pachyderm 2.0 Beta 3, it might be a good idea to keep this AIM chat group (pachydermbeta3) open so we can send notices/warnings about changes to the beta. I'll try to keep the chat group open when I'm available.

Note that this is not a "live technical support hotline", nor is it a "help me create my presentation hotline" - it's a place where we can warn you before we make drastic changes to the beta application - so you can tell us to hold off for a bit if you're in the middle of something.

It's just that email isn't timely enough for this, and a listserv would spam all registered beta users, not just those who may be affected.

See Also

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