
2010-12-29 priority.jpg

Evan and I headed downtown to take in the exhibits at the Calgary Science Centre (I still can’t call it the Telus World of Science). The exhibits were a bit static, with nothing for kids to actually _do_, aside from a couple of touch screen demos. We had some really good discussions about Darwin and Einstein, but I don’t think he really got anything out of the exhibits because they were all look and no real touch.

then we took a cold train/bus ride home. this whole no-driving thing is getting kind of stale.


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We headed down to MEC to pick up some stuff to make me a little more visible on my bike, now that night riding season is here. I came out with a dorky reflector vest, a spoke light, and some reflector stickers for the bike frame. I should be pretty visible, now.

Also, these towers always catch my eye when I’m in this part of downtown. Something about the curved corners, tinted windows, and lines…