Courses hosted in the Taylor Institute

Winter 2017

  • ALMC 359-01: Literature of Muslim Studies
  • ASHA 220: Arts and Science Honours Academy
  • ASHA 421: Inventions
  • CPSC 313: Introduction to Computability
  • CPSC 599.88: Tangible and Physical Human-Computer Interaction
  • DRAM 240: Introduction to Drama
  • EDUC 456: Assessment
  • EDUC 456 S07: Assessment - Elementary
  • ENGL 388.01: Multimedia Jane Austen
  • KNES 201: Activity: Essence and Experience
  • LAW 693: Climate Change Law
  • NURS 387/388: The Science of Health II / Supporting Health II (Families in Transition)
  • PHIL 279: Logic I
  • PHYS 271: How Things Work
  • PSYC 617: Multivariate Data Analysis
  • SOWK 303: Practice with Individuals in Context
  • SOWK 627: Practice with Organizations and Communities
  • SOWK 697.03: Diversity, Oppression and Social Justice
  • SOWK: Practice and Evaluation with Organizations
  • UNIV 201: CDCI Global Challenges
  • ZOOL 375: Invertebrate Zoology

Fall 2016

  • ALMC 202.01: Beginners Arabic I | course outline
  • ASHA 220: Arts and Science Honours Academy: Quests and Questions
  • CHEM 201 T01-T07: General Chemistry: Structure and Bonding (Tutorials)
  • CPSC 499.01/SCIE 507.18/ENTI 381: Software Entrepreneurship/Science Entrepreneurship/Principles of Entrepreneuship
  • CPSC 599.87: Visualization & Analytics | course outline
  • DRAM 240: Introduction to Drama | course outline
  • ENGL 201: Approaches to Literature | course outline
  • ENGL 311.01: Shakespeare | UToday article | Info about the course
  • ENGL 445: Literature of the Early Victorian Period | course outline
  • ENGL 463: American LIterature from the Late 1800s to the Mid-1900s | course outline
  • GLGY 201: Principles of Geoscience | course outline
  • KNES 441/443/445: Kinesiology Practicum
  • NURS 485: Nursing Practicum
  • SCIE 507.24: Theory and Practice of University Teaching in STEM
  • SOWK 303: Practice with Individuals in Context

Summer 2016

  • EDER 655.15: Making the Case for Decolonization | course outline
  • EDER 679.45: Creativity Design Practice | course outline
  • EDUC 201: Introduction to Educational Studies

Spring 2016