Principles & Policies for Taylor Institute Spaces

“We celebrate those aspects of our lives and work that can become…‘community property.’ And if we wish to see greater recognition and reward attached to teaching, we must change the status of teaching from private to community property.”  –Lee S. Shulman, “Teaching as Community Property: Putting an End to Pedagogical Solitude

The Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning is at once a building for innovation, a community of colleagues, and a collection of activities dedicated to better understanding and improving student learning. The Institute gathers people from across campus to inspire and be inspired by new pedagogical thought, conversation, and practice. In light of these goals, we take to heart Lee Shulman’s call to end “pedagogical solitude” and treat “teaching [and learning] as community property.”

The building—made possible by a generous donation by the Taylor Family Foundation to realize these goals—reflects these principles, as it was designed with great attention to transparency, inquiry, collaboration, and flexibility. Its first floor is envisioned as an environment for creative practice and inquiry in teaching and learning, and the second floor houses the workspaces of the units of the Taylor Institute.

To honour the vision of the Taylor Family and to preserve the integrity of the work that occurs within the Institute, we share the following

I.    principles and policies for the specific spaces in the building, and
II.   general policies for any and all use of the building.



A. Learning Studios (Course-Based Teaching and Learning Projects, Teaching and Learning Activities)

The flexible and technology-enhanced learning studios facilitate innovative approaches to teaching and engaged, collaborative learning. These spaces are dedicated to projects that involve inquiry, reflection, research, and knowledge-sharing by University of Calgary instructors, staff, and students. Glass walls, digital recording, and accompanying observation or breakout rooms allow informal and formal study of these activities. TI faculty and staff also use these studios to support the broader work of the Institute. The Institute has developed an application process and convened a Learning Spaces Committee to review applications. See the [URL] for details.

Taylor Institute also wants to encourage members of the campus community in their activities designed to better understand and improve student learning and the teaching that facilitates that learning. Applications to host these events in the learning studios or in the Institute's public spaces will be considered for times when space is available. Protecting an environment that supports the scheduled course projects will also be considered. See the [URL] for details.

B. Informal Work Spaces (Study, Conversation)

These spaces throughout the building provide temporary sites for individual and collaborative work on a first-come, first-served basis. The amphitheatre, the conversation pods suspended over the atrium, and the breakout rooms on the first floor may be used for informal study groups, conversations, and the like. In addition, the Reflection Loft above the gallery may be used for quiet contemplation and study.

C. Second Floor Rooms (Taylor Institute Staff)

Except for the Reflection Loft and the conversation pods suspended over the atrium, all rooms on the second floor are used for the daily operations, programs, and events of the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning and its staff.

D. Public Spaces (Campus and Broader Community Events)

The atrium, the forum, and the gallery are venues to showcase and celebrate teaching and learning. To preserve the specific mandate of the building and the work of the Taylor Institute, these areas have different processes and policies for use during the regular workday and for use after hours.

             During the Workday (Campus Community): To avoid disrupting the teaching and learning projects scheduled in the TI and the accompanying work by its staff, formal use of these spaces between 8:30am and 4:30pm on weekdays is limited and often cannot be supported by TI staff.  Requests submitted via [URL] are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, the forum is set up during the day as one of the Institute’s flat-floor learning studios, rather than a tiered-seating lecture hall. (Approved bookings that require event support may arrange that support for a fee through Conference and Events Management,

           After Hours (Campus and Broader Community):  On evenings and weekends, these first-floor spaces may be used for learning events in partnership with the broader community [URL], such as public lectures or performances in the forum. To request rental of these spaces for after hours (after 5pm, on weekends, or any events that extend into evenings and/or weekends), contact University of Calgary Conference and Event Management (CEM) via phone at 403.220.3111 or by email at Please note that applicants are responsible for making their own arrangements with CEM for catering and audio-visual equipment and support, and—again, to avoid disrupting the teaching, learning, inquiry, and research within the Taylor Institute—setup for after-hours events may begin no earlier than 5pm. Finally, carts, food, and equipment should be brought into the building through the loading dock, rather than the public doors. Further venue information can be viewed on the Conference and Event Management website at

             Summer 2016 (Broader Community):  While we're piloting and preparing the learning spaces for full use starting in Fall 2016, the flat-floor setup in the forum is available to the community during the day when not already in use. Institute staff can provide audio-visual support, but applicants should make their own arrangements (e.g., CEM for event planning, hospitality, and other forms of support.



A. Scheduled Use

Time for setup and takedown—any access to the relevant space in the TI—must be included in the times requested in the application. Arriving early or staying late will interfere with other activities and TI staff time.

B. Building Hours

The building is open from 8am until 5pm on Monday through Friday. After-hours rental of the building’s public spaces can be requested through University of Calgary Conference and Event Management (CEM) at 403.220.3111 or

C. Caretaking

Users are responsible for their own clean-up and for returning their spaces to regular conditions. Any additional cleaning required will be billed to the user, and additional fees will be required in the event of any damages. The building’s heat detectors are sensitive to all forms of smoke and will trigger alarms, so candles, incense, smudging, and vaporisers are not permitted.

D. Cancellations

Booking cancellations should be submitted to at least three working days prior to the booked date. Late cancellations or bookings that aren’t used as approved without adequate explanation will jeopardize future bookings.

E. Signage

Directional signage is the responsibility of the users and may not be taped, tacked, or glued to the walls within the Taylor Institute. Unauthorized signage will be removed, and users will be billed for any damage.

F. University of Calgary Policies

All use of facilities of the University of Calgary is governed by a number of approved policies, including but not limited to the Use of Facilities for Non-Academic Purposes ( Directional signage is the responsibility of the users and may not be taped, tacked, or glued to the walls within the Taylor Institute. Unauthorized signage will be removed, and users will be billed for any damage. F. University of Calgary Policies All use of facilities of the University of Calgary is governed by a number of approved policies, including but not limited to the Use of Facilities for Non-Academic Purposes (