Caitlin McClurg

Teaching and Learning Liaison Librarian to the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Caitlin McClurg is a graduate from the University of Alberta having completed a Bachelor of Arts degree and then a Master of Library and Information Studies degree. She has been with the University of Calgary since 2011, starting as an assistant librarian for the Downtown Campus and conducting liaison work with the Schulich School of Engineering. Since 2012 she has been at the Foothills Campus as a health sciences librarian, with specific liaison responsibilities with the Undergraduate Medical Education program in the Cumming School of Medicine. She has enjoyed working intensively with the medical school, and has participated as an instructor/facilitator in course offerings such as Population Health, Introduction to Clinical Practice, Applied Evidence Based Medicine and Family Medicine Clerkship. She has received an Honor Roll Teaching Award from the Cumming School of Medicine Class of 2016. Since 2016, Caitlin has moved into the role of liaison librarian for the Schulich School of Engineering as well as the Taylor Institute of Teaching and Learning where she is looking forward to expanding her skill set in the scholarship of teaching and learning.